Pretty URL for Data Services


Steps to reproduce

Martin Predny September 29, 2020 at 7:02 AM
Implementation is OK on cloveretl.server-master #2754 Selenium test is passing ,therefore closing the issue.

Milan Krivanek September 23, 2020 at 8:29 AMEdited
Merged to master.
Done without switching the tab in detail - .
Sample URL:
Selenium test added.

Martin Predny September 23, 2020 at 8:21 AM
DataServicesPrettyURLTest.testSort failed: http://linda/jenkins/view/clo-x/view/CLO-16435-pretty-url-for-data-services/job/cloveretl.server-vte-test-gui-CLO-16435/9/CONTAINER=jboss-eap-7-1,CONTAINER_JDK_VERSION=1.8,DATABASE=derby,SELENIUM_DRIVERS=chrome,jdk=java-1.8/testReport/com.cloveretl.server.gui.test.common.dataservice/DataServicesPrettyURLTest/testSort_chrome_/

Martin Predny September 23, 2020 at 7:39 AMEdited
Tested on cloveretl-release-CLO-16435 #5
Expected behavior:
A parameter that is present in the URL should override the previous value.
A parameter that is not present in the URL should preserve the previous value. For example, omitting
query parameter does not reset the filter, if it was set previously.
table with multiple pages
selecting and unselecting a row in the table
closing the detail
setting and clearing the filter
pasting various URLs directly into browser address bar
sorting by various table columns
different page sizes Please see attached gif. Have page size set to 25, choose any data service from position 26 higher and change page size to 50. Now refresh page and suddenly no data services are shown. Note: happens on other modules too, will be reported as a new task.
Implementation seems to be OK, waiting for the test results.

Martin Predny September 22, 2020 at 1:30 PM
Tested on cloveretl-release-CLO-16435 #3
Found problems:
sorting via URL does not work,
selecting data service using ID does not work,
expected behavior from previous comment is not fulfilled, a parameter that is present in the URL should override the previous value, but it does not (tested with fulltext search parameter)
Data Services module doesn't support Pretty URLs
add support for linking to a DS directly using id
add support for linking to Data Services module with a filter set
add support for linking to a DS directly and a concrete tab selected on the right panel