REST API - Support package download
Steps to reproduce
Tomas Horsky July 10, 2023 at 7:10 AMEdited
Added new endpoint:
GET /server/support-package
Downloads the support package zip from the node where the request was sent to.
includeServerConfiguration - Include Server configuration in the package (may contain sensitive data). Default is false.
limitSize - If true, package size is limited to the maximum allowed size of support ticket attachment. Default is true.
Pavel Švec February 23, 2021 at 1:55 PMEdited
In cluster environment, it is necessary to log into separate environments and download them one by one at the moment which takes a long time and effort.
Nice to have feature might be to limit specific server logs. Often, it is necessary to only download Performance.log or All.log
This ticket is a successor of, originally created for Simple HTTP API.
Simply provides server logs new REST API.
Optional parameters to choose details like:
which type?
all rolled files?