Re-enable job queue in containers with Java 17


Steps to reproduce
is blocked by
relates to

Pavel Salamon August 25, 2023 at 9:00 AMEdited
Job queue is enabled in docker.
Docker's readme updated - removed all mentions of disabled job queue
In docker environments a "cpu load detection fix" is in place which prevents detecting incorrect values of cpu load. If any thread asks for cpu load sooner than 100ms since the last time cpu was detected, an older snapshot (at most 100ms old) is returned instead of asking for current cpu. This has no noticeable impact on product or performance.

Pavel Salamon August 25, 2023 at 8:33 AMEdited
Queue polling returned back to original 100ms + implemented a fix to prevent threads asking for cpu load in parallel:
It looks good (same as in master where job queue is disabled).

Pavel Salamon August 24, 2023 at 8:13 AMEdited
When job queue is reconfigured to only poll cpu load once per 10s instead of 100ms the cpu visualization of performance log looks like this (two runs):
This confirms that JDK's detection is broken when multiple threads are asking for cpu load at the same time or too soon after each other.

Pavel Salamon August 23, 2023 at 8:46 AMEdited
It seems like enabling job queue affects system load detection - values of sysCpu in performance log change.
The JDK's implementation is here - method getCpuLoad():
Is it possible that job queue's polling of cpu load every 100ms breaks JDK's detection?
Investigating by changing job queue from 100ms to 10s temporarily.

Pavel Salamon August 23, 2023 at 7:56 AM
This is from master (java 17 but job queue still disabled):
When we update the Dockerfile to Java 17, we can re-enable job queue disabled in CLO-22141. should then be updated - remove the job queue issue from "Known issues" at the botttom.