Inform user better when job import completes
Steps to reproduce
Jaroslav Kylberger July 4, 2023 at 9:43 AM
Check that the messages are displayed correctly when importing the job.
Examples of how to produce different results:
To produce error - import job without overwrite option checked when the job or source with the same name already exists.
To produce multiple warnings - export job without source files with multiple lookups, delete the source files for the lookup sources, import the job.
Pavel Salamon June 23, 2023 at 8:43 AMEdited
Processing and displaying of the new response in UI will be done here:
Jaroslav Kylberger June 22, 2023 at 12:34 PM
Two related issues implemented as part of this issue/pull request: Cannot import job when it uses unavailable library - now the job is imported with warning Error (Request is not valid) when importing a job - this is about the source (csv) file missing (in zip and on disk) - now the job is imported with warning
Jaroslav Kylberger June 22, 2023 at 12:05 PMEdited
Response changes
If the request can be processed, it returns HTTP status code 200 and the real result is in response body.
If the request cannot be processed returns 4xx (bad request, access forbidden, not found).
Response format for 200:
{ result: "WARN", ... required, "OK" -> imported, "WARN" -> imported with warning(s), "ERROR" -> not imported
messages: [ ... present only if some message of 'result' severity exists
"Source file 'file1' is missing.",
"Source file 'file2' is missing.",
job: ... present only if job was imported
definition in yaml:
description: "Result of job import"
readOnly: true
- "result"
type: string
- "OK" (imported)
- "WARN" (imported with warning(s))
- "ERROR" (not imported)
type: array
readOnly: true
type: string
$ref: "#/components/schemas/Job"
Sometimes the job import completes but there are some things user should be informed about. The info/warning/error messages must be nice and human readable.
We'll need to be able to report and display multiple messages at the same time (e.g. both source and target were imported with some warning).
This should produce info in wrangler UI:
Import completed without any issues.
These should produce warning in wrangler UI:
Data source doesn't have the required library (data source connector subgraph) - see for info how that can happen.
Data source doesn't have the required data file (csv file) - see for info how that can happen.
This should produce error in wrangler UI:
'Overwrite' was disabled and some of the resources already exist (e.g. source with same name already exists). The message must clearly describe which file caused this problem.
When the job was actually imported (so the result is info or warning), the imported job should be selected in the table. This focusing is already implemented, we just need to not break it.