Implement a new validation step to allow users to determine if column (or columns) are empty or not. The step is similar to how Validator's "empty/non-empty subset" rule.
Step parameters
Columns to validate: allow multiple columns of any type to be selected (in similar way like we can in Delete step). Order of columns does not matter.
Error message: allow user to customize error message. Default error message is "Value cannot be empty".
The step will walk the list of columns provided in its first parameter, if any of them is empty, it will mark that column as in error. Note that it must scan the whole list every time even though it would know that the row is invalid after the first empty column is found. This is needed in order to mark all empty columns as invalid.
GUI properties
Step name: Validate if not empty
Step description: Validate if values are not empty
Long description: Validate that the values in selected columns are not empty. Multiple columns can be selected at once, all of them must have value otherwise the row is considered invalid.
Step label in step list
Validate that 'column' is not empty
Validate that 'column1', 'column2', 'column3' are all not empty
Validate that 'column1', 'column2', 'column3' and M more are all not empty
Category: Data quality
Toolbar placement: in the Validate button, top item, see
Implement a new validation step to allow users to determine if column (or columns) are empty or not. The step is similar to how Validator's "empty/non-empty subset" rule.
Step parameters
Columns to validate: allow multiple columns of any type to be selected (in similar way like we can in Delete step). Order of columns does not matter.
Error message: allow user to customize error message. Default error message is "Value cannot be empty".
The step will walk the list of columns provided in its first parameter, if any of them is empty, it will mark that column as in error. Note that it must scan the whole list every time even though it would know that the row is invalid after the first empty column is found. This is needed in order to mark all empty columns as invalid.
GUI properties
Step name: Validate if not empty
Step description: Validate if values are not empty
Long description: Validate that the values in selected columns are not empty. Multiple columns can be selected at once, all of them must have value otherwise the row is considered invalid.
Step label in step list
Validate that 'column' is not empty
Validate that 'column1', 'column2', 'column3' are all not empty
Validate that 'column1', 'column2', 'column3' and M more are all not empty
Category: Data quality
Toolbar placement: in the Validate button, top item, see
Search keywords: empty null blank