Implement a new step that will allow Wrangler users to validate their data against a fixed list of items (enumeration).
Step parameters
Input column: select a single string input column to validate
Allowed values: list of values that are allowed. This will be specified as a text area where users can paste text - one item per line. Order of items does not matter.
Ignore case: configure whether to ignore case or not when searching through the list. Default is enable.
Error message: customize error message. Default error message if "Value is not in the allowed values list."
Accept empty values: if checked, empty strings or null are considered valid values. Checked by default.
The step will take column value and look it up in the list. It must respect case-sensitivity as configured. Duplicate items in the list do not matter. Ordering of items in the list does not matter either.
GUI properties
Step name: Validate against list
Step description: Validate if value is in a list of allowed values
Long description: Validate if the value matches one of the values in the provided list.
Step label in step list:
Validate 'column' value is in list 'item1', 'item2', 'item3', and N other items
Show first three items and then provide count of how many more are there. If list has 3 or fewer items, do not add the "and N other" part.
Implement a new step that will allow Wrangler users to validate their data against a fixed list of items (enumeration).
Step parameters
Input column: select a single string input column to validate
Allowed values: list of values that are allowed. This will be specified as a text area where users can paste text - one item per line. Order of items does not matter.
Ignore case: configure whether to ignore case or not when searching through the list. Default is enable.
Error message: customize error message. Default error message if "Value is not in the allowed values list."
Accept empty values: if checked, empty strings or null are considered valid values. Checked by default.
The step will take column value and look it up in the list. It must respect case-sensitivity as configured. Duplicate items in the list do not matter. Ordering of items in the list does not matter either.
GUI properties
Step name: Validate against list
Step description: Validate if value is in a list of allowed values
Long description: Validate if the value matches one of the values in the provided list.
Step label in step list:
Validate 'column' value is in list 'item1', 'item2', 'item3', and N other items
Show first three items and then provide count of how many more are there. If list has 3 or fewer items, do not add the "and N other" part.
Category: Data quality
Toolbar placement: Validation, 5th item - see
Search keywords: enumeration member belongs set