Test Run action
Roland Botka
Roland BotkaReporter
Martin Sláma
Martin SlámaLabels
Steps to reproduce
- 21 Aug 2023, 01:11 PM
- 21 Aug 2023, 01:10 PM
- 21 Aug 2023, 01:10 PM
- 21 Aug 2023, 01:10 PM
100% Done
Roland Botka September 7, 2023 at 12:51 PM
Filip Reichman August 23, 2023 at 6:20 AMEdited
A brand new dialog for run action or modify the current one?
How should the dialog with data connector target look like?
Are there any differences between dialogs for dry run and real run (user should be aware that he executes dryRun/run)?
Where should the dryRun action be in the context menu?
The tooltip "Test run the job without writing to target" sounds funny.
Implement Test Run action for Wrangler. The action should run the Wrangler job without the target so that the user can test his job without writing data. The test run action is available only for jobs with connector targets.
There is a new query boolean parameter dryRun on the endpoint /workspaces/{workspaceId}/jobs/{jobId}/execute.
Test run / Run from Editor: https://www.figma.com/file/xYebkVqwHssFJnOBG2LlCR/Wrangler?type=design&node-id=10860-659776&mode=design&t=9oMyngQrXebdNXH1-4
Run dialog from My Jobs table: https://www.figma.com/file/xYebkVqwHssFJnOBG2LlCR/Wrangler?type=design&node-id=10860-657697&mode=design&t=9oMyngQrXebdNXH1-4
Changes in My Jobs table: https://www.figma.com/file/xYebkVqwHssFJnOBG2LlCR/Wrangler?type=design&node-id=10860-653596&mode=design&t=9oMyngQrXebdNXH1-4
Acceptance criteria
New test run action for jobs with connector target
New dialog for run action - for jobs with connector target and with file target
Changes in my jobs table
Changes with the last run column
visualization of the test run
download button for file targets
label with target name for connector targets (different for a test run)
Test run action available from the context menu
Target section in the run job dialog
JS tests
Selenium tests